19TH International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation

Session A1

Exact Solutions and their Interpretation

(Page 18)


5-9 July, 2010 Mexico City

36. The Nature of Gravitation: a New Insight

George Shpenkov


For the first time we have analyzed one of the particular solutions of the wave equation that has never been under discussion. As turned out these solutions imply many important consequences. In particular, first, gravitational fields, just like electromagnetic, are longitudinal-transversal wave fields. Second, it was found that an elementary particle is a spherical dynamic formation of infinitely small and infinitely big in size in the sense that it is both a micro- and mega-object of the Universe (i.e., extremely small and extremely large at the same time) pulsing at two fundamental frequencies simultaneously. Third, its interactions with environment and other particles (gravitational, electromagnetic, and strong) are subject to a uniform fundamental law of exchange (interaction). The first fundamental (innate) frequency of pulsing a particle responsible for its electromagnetic and strong interaction is equal to 1.869162505×1018 s-1; the second fundamental (innate) frequency of pulsing a particle responsible for its gravitational interaction is equal to 9.15814×10-4 s-1.

Presentation prepared for the

19th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
