A Comparison of Two Models in Physics:
DM (new) and SM (used currently)

(See a Comparative Table in pdf)

Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles (DM), put forward first in 1996 by L. Kreidik and G. Shpenkov in the book “Alternative Picture of the World”, has turned out to be a clue of many mysteries of nature.

This model gave already answers to many principal questions of modern physics exceeding all expectations. It essentially surpasses new models of elementary particles, including string models. The latter is feverishly developing all over the world for the replacement of the Standard Model (SM) dominated currently in physics. Possibilities of the SM are limited (and fully exhausted) that essentially restrains the further development of physics.

A principal peculiarity of the DM is that it regards any elementary particle as a dynamic microobject, namely as a spherical microformation of wave space pulsing with strictly fixed fundamental frequencies – ultimately high and ultimately low. Exchange of matter-space-time on these frequencies defines all types of their interactions (referred to as fundamental).

An analysis of advantages of the DM shows that we are on a new way of principle in our understanding of the structure of matter. On this way, we say goodbye to mathematical abstractions, which filled up the theoretical physics, and return to clear logically non-contradictory physical images.

All details concerning the DM one can find in References attached to the end of the Comparative Table (presented here in pdf).

George P. Shpenkov
March 4, 2006

“Louis de Broglie passed on his profound belief in the fact that no theory and no hypothesis are established once and for all and that therefore no criticism and no new ideas can be rejected without first having been thoroughly debated.

He rose against of directed research and underlined the importance of freedom in the field of scientific research and the necessity to reexamine commonly accepted theories and principles without reservations”

De Georges Lochak
(Prefaces et notes complementaires to
"Heisenberg’s Uncertainties and the Probabilistic Interpretation of Wave Mechanics"
by Louis de Broglie