
Георгий П. Шпеньков, Атомное ядро, 24.02.2024;
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Георгий П. Шпеньков, Что такое фотон, 02.02.2024;
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Георгий П. Шпеньков, Сверхсветовая скорость, 18.01.2024;
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Георгий П. Шпеньков, О волновой природе гравитации, 29.12.2023;
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Георгий. П. Шпеньков, Физический смысл Psi-функции, 09.11.2023;
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Георгий. П. Шпеньков, Виртуальные частицы, 28.10.2023;
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Георгий. П. Шпеньков, Уравнение Шрёдингера, 29.09.2023;
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Георгий П. Шпеньков, Об открытии универсальной формулы спектров атомов и сопутствующих открытиях, 11.09.2023;
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Г. П. Шпеньков, Уравнения Максвелла и соответствующие уравнения Волновой Модели, 21.08.2023;
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Георгий П. Шпеньков, Механизм образования связей в соединениях атомов, имеюших оболочечно-узловое строение. Сб. трудов Международной конференции, АМОРФНЫЕ И МИКРОКРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКИ, ФТИ им. Иоффе, Санкт-Петербург 3–5 июля 2023 года, стр. 155-156.

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Что такое ЭЛЕКТРОН, 28.11.2022; pdf pdf pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Почему электрон не падает на ядро атома: раскрытие причины, 11.10.2022; pdf pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Открытие физического смысла мнимых чисел и единицы «i», 05-10-2022; pdf pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Масс спектр элементарных частиц, 24.09.2022; pdf pdf

Георгий Шпеньков, Обзор основных открытий теорий Волновой Модели, Geo.S., Bielsko-Biala (2022), 158 стр. pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Material-ideal structure of the world: Wave Model (Selected lectures), Geo.S., Bielsko-Biala (2021), 386 стр.; Vol. 5 “Shell-Nodal Structure of the Atoms”, Vol. 6 “Topical Issues”.

George P. Shpenkov, Material-ideal structure of the world: Wave Model (Selected lectures), Geo.S., Bielsko-Biala (2021), 272 стр.; Vol. 3 “Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles (Part.2. Fundamentals)”, Vol. 4 “Units of Measurement”.

George P. Shpenkov, Material-ideal structure of the world: Wave Model (Selected lectures), Geo.S., Bielsko-Biala (2021), 256 стр; Vol. 1 “Philosophical and Mathematical Background”, Vol. 2 “Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles (Part.1. Fundamentals)”.

Георгий Шпеньков, Мой путь к открытиям, Geo.S., Bielsko-Biala (2021), 450 стр.

Г.П. Шпеньков, Открытие оболочечно-узлового строения атомов и, как следствие, анизотропии гексагональной решётки графена, Сб. трудов Международной конференции, АМОРФНЫЕ И МИКРОКРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКИ, ФТИ им. Иоффе, Санкт-Петербург 05–07 июля 2021 года, стр. 35-36; pdf

G.P. Shpenkov, Discovery of the molecular-like structure of atoms (On the example of a carbon atom), Book of Abstracts, International Conference LOW-DIMENSIONAL MATERIALS: THEORY, MODELING, EXPERIMENT, Dubna, JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, BOGOLIUBOV LABORATORY OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS, July 12-17, 2021, p. 72; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Раскрытие физического смысла мнимой единицы pdf, 02.11.2021; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Открытие оболочечно-узлового строения атомов и, как следствие, анизотропии гексагональной решётки графена, 18.02.2021. Расширенные тезисы доклада, представленного 6 июля 2021 года на XII Международной конференции «Аморфные и микрокристаллические полупроводники» (AMS12SPb/2021), Санкт-Петербург (оn-line); pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, О природе эфира; На пути создания общей теории поля, 11.12.2020; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Природа скорости, с которой распространяется свет: Абсолютная и относительная скорости n-волнового уровня Вселенной, 21.11.2020; pdf
pdf - in English

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Микролептоны: Субэлектронные частицы – составляющие электрона, 03.11.2020; pdf
pdf - in English

Георгий П. Шпеньков, О неизвестных ранее ключевых фундаментальных физических параметрах-постоянных: Открытия Динамической Модели , ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОГО ФИЗИКО–ХИМИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА: ЖРФХО, Том 93, Выпуск № 1, стр. 5-37; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Парадигма физики: Неизбежность смены существующей парадигмы, 22.10.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Binding energy of helium 4-He-2, carbon 12-C-6, deuterium 2-H-1, and tritium 3-H-1 in view of the Shell-Nodal atomic model and Dynamic Model of elementary particles, HADRONIC JOURNAL 43-1, 79-119 (2020) pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, О неизвестных ранее ключевых фундаментальных физических параметрах-постоянных: Открытия Динамической Модели, 29.09.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Scattering on nucleons of elementary nucleon molecules (“atoms”), 16.07.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Quantum electrodynamics: fundamentals and prospects, 08.06.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Atoms of the René Just Haüy, 27.05.2020;
pdf - in Russian
pdf - in English

George P. Shpenkov, Intra-atomic binding energy; Calculation according to the Wave Model, Part 3, Deuterium and Tritium, 09.05.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Intra-atomic binding energy; Calculation according to the Wave Model, Part 2, Carbon, 19.04.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Intra-atomic binding energy; Calculation according to the Wave Model, Part 1, Helium, 04.04.2020; pdf

G. P. Shpenkov and L. G. Kreidik, Dialectical view on the particle structure, Part 2, 11.03.2020; pdf

G. P. Shpenkov and L. G. Kreidik, Dialectical view on the particle structure, Part 1, 21.02.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, On the Foundation of Quantum Electrodynamics: Constructive analysis, 01.01.2020; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Parameters of circular motion-rest, 21.12.2019; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Fine-structure constant, alpha (α): Disclosure of the mystery of the number α, August 25, 2019; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Постоянная тонкой структуры, альфа (α): Раскрытие природы происхождения числа α, July 27, 2019; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Discovery of the wave nature of gravitation, June 6, 2019; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Янтарно-магическое («электромагнитное») поле: поля-пространства движения-покоя; June 09, 2019; pdf

L. Kreidik and G. Shpenkov, An Analysis of the Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics and New (Dialectical) Solutions for the Field of a String and H-Atom; Chapter 2 in a book “Old Problems and New Horizons in World”, 376 pages, 2019, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, USA (editors: Krasnoholovets V., Christiano V., Smarandache F.) pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Discovery of the Wave Nature of Crystals, Report at the Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK), 25-28 March 2019, Leipzig; pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Discovery of the wave nature of gravitation, 27.11.2018; pdf

“TROUBLE WITH THE ELECTRON SPIN”, Keynote presentation at the International Conference on Metal, Mining and Magnetic Materials, November 01-02, 2018, Paris, France; Journal of Material Sciences, Volume 6, DOI 10.4172/2321-62-12-07-031 pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Тёмная материя, Часть 2 “Эфирный ветер, магнитные поля, природа тёмной материи”; 18.07.2018; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Тёмная материя, Часть 1 “Субэлектронные частицы”, 03.07.2018; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Е0=mс2: Раскрытие механизма явления скрытого за формулой, 05.05.2018; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Электрический заряд, 06.04.2018; pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Гравитационные волны, 17.02.2018; pdf

Georgi P Shpenkov, The shell-nodal structure of the atoms, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on QUANTUM PHYSICS AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY, September 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany, page 23; Journal of Lasers, Optics & Photonics, 2017, 4, 3 (Suppl) pdf

Georgi Shpenkov, Dynamic properties of particles, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on PHYSICS, August 28-30, 2017 Brussels, Belgium, page 23; Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics 2017, 7, 3 (Suppl) pdf

Георгий П. Шпеньков, Природa Гравитации (Открытие Волновой Модели), 14.03.2017 pdf

Шпеньков Г.П., Размерность единицы электроёмкости «фарад» и смысл «электрической постоянной» ε0; НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОГО ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА, ЖРФХО, Т. 88, вып. № 2, pages 33-41 (2016) pdf

George P. Shpenkov, Dialectical view of the world: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures), Preface, Lecture 1; НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОГО ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА, ЖРФХО, Т. 88, вып. № 1, pages 77-95 (2016) pdf

Г. П. Шпеньков, Структура элементарного периода и характерные особенности периодических процессов, ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОЙ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ МЫСЛИ (ЖРФМ), Том 87, Выпуск № 3 (2015), Стр. 16-36 pdf; George Shpenkov, Some words about fundamental problems of physics, Part 2: "Electron spin", стр. 94-101 pdf

Г. П. Шпеньков, Трехмерные Решения Уравнения Гельмгольца, (Доклад на 23-й Ежегодной Конференции Немецкого Кристаллографического общества, Гёттинген, 1 6 марта 2015), ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОЙ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ МЫСЛИ (ЖРФМ), Том 87, Выпуск № 1 (2015), Стр. 128-151 pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 6, Topical Issues, pages 127 (2015) pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 5, Shell-Nodal Structure of the Atoms, pages 171 (2015) pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 4, Units of Measurement, pages 89 (2014) pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 3, Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles: Part 2, Fundamentals, pages 173 (2014) pdf

Г. П. Шпеньков, Физический смысл мнимой единицы i, ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ РУССКОЙ МЫСЛИ (ЭРМ), Т. 20.: (Доклады Русскому Физическому Обществу, 2013), 70-81 с. pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 2, Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles: Part 1, Fundamentals, pages 123 (2013) pdf

Г. П. Шпеньков, Фундаментальный Период-Квант Десятичного Кода Вселенной, ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ РУССКОЙ МЫСЛИ (ЭРМ), Т. 19.: (Доклады Русскому Физическому Обществу, 2013), 34-64 с. pdf

Г. П. Шпеньков, Динамическая Модель Элементарных Частиц, ЖУРНАЛ РУССКОЙ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ МЫСЛИ (ЖРФМ), N 1-12, 2013, (ЖРФХО, Т. 85, вып. N 1), 78-107 с. pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, DIALECTICAL VIEW OF THE WORLD: The Wave Model (Selected Lectures); Volume 1 Philosophical and Mathematical Background, pages 119 (2013) pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, On the Cosmological Redshift, (2011) - RUS pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Some Words About Fundamental Problems of Physics, p.88 (2011) - ENG pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Some Words About Fundamental Problems of Physics, p.86 (2011) - RUS pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Physics and Chemistry of Carbon in the Light of Shell-Nodal Atomic Model, Chapter 12 in "Quantum Frontiers of Atoms and Molecules", edited by Putz M. V., NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, New York, 277-323, 2011 pdf


G. P. Shpenkov, On the Cosmological Redshift, (2010). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, The Dependence of Hall Conductance Quanta on the Fundamental Frequency of the Atomic Level, (2009). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, The Scattering of Particles and Waves on Nucleon Nodes of the Atom, International Journal of Chemical Modeling, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 97-108 (2008). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, The Elementary Laws of Transversal Exchange, (2008). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, On the Boltzmann and Avogadro Constants and the Temperature, (2008). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Derivation of the Proton's Magnetic Moment beyond QED and QCD Theories, (2008). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Derivation of Neutron's Magnetic Moment on the Basis of Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles, (2008) pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, On the Superluminal Speed in View of the Dialectical Model of the Universe, Infinite Energy, Vol. 13, Issue 77, 29-34, (2008).

G. P. Shpenkov, On the Nature of the Ether-Drift, Magnetic Strength, and Dark Matter, Phys. Essays 20, 46 (2007). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, The Binding Energy of Helium, Carbon, Deuterium, and Tritium in View of Shell-Nodal Atomic Model and Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles (2007). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, The Wave Nature of Gravitational Fields: General Characteristics (2007). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Anomalous Magnetic Moment of an Electron, Lamb Shift, and Microwave Background Radiation of Hydrogen Atoms: What Do They Have in Common? (2007). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Conceptual Unfoundedness of Hybridization and the Nature of the Spherical Harmonics, HADRONIC JOURNAL, Vol. 29. No. 4, p. 455, (2006).

G. P. Shpenkov, Theoretical Basis and Proofs of the Existence of Atom Background Radiation, Infinite Energy, Vol. 12, Issue 68, 22-33, (2006).

G. P. Shpenkov, The First Precise Derivation of the Magnetic Moment of an Electron Beyond Quantum Electrodynamics, Physics Essays, 19, No. 1, (2006).

G. P. Shpenkov, An Elucidation of the Nature of the Periodic Law, Chapter 7 in "The Mathematics of the Periodic Table", edited by Rouvray D. H. and King R. B., NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, NY, 119-160, 2006.

G. P. Shpenkov, The Nodal Structure of Standing Spherical Waves and the Periodic Law: What Do They Have in Common? Physics Essays, Vol. 18, No 2, (2005)

The Tribochemical and Micellar Aspects of Cutting Fluids, Tribology International 38, 1-4, (2005) (with Z. Pawlak, B. K. Klamecki, T. Rauckyte, and A. Kopkowski)

G. P. Shpenkov, On the Fine-Structure Constant Physical Meaning, HADRONIC JOURNAL, Vol. 28, No. 3, 337-372, (2005).

G. P. Shpenkov, The Role of Electrons in Chemical Bonds Formations (In the Light of Shell-Nodal Atomic Model), MOLECULAR PHYSICS REPORTS 41, 89-103, (2005).

G. P. Shpenkov and L. G. Kreidik, Schrodinger's Errors of Principle, GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS, Vol. 16, No. 3, 51 - 56, (2005). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Particles of the Subelectronic Level of the Universe, HADRONIC JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT, Vol. 19, No. 4, 533 - 548, (2004).

G. P. Shpenkov, Derivation of the Lamb Shift with Due Account of Wave Features for the Proton-Electron Interaction, REVISTA de CIENCIAS EXATAS e NATURAIS, Vol. 6, No. 2, 171 - 185, (2004). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov and L. G. Kreidik, Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles and Fundamental Interactions, GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS & QED-EAST, Vol. 15, SI No. 2, 23-29, (2004). pdf

G. P. Shpenkov, Conjugate Fields and Symmetries, APEIRON, Vol. 11, No. 2, 349-371, (2004). pdf

Potential-Kinetic Parameters of Oscillations, HADRONIC JOURNAL, Vol. 26, No. 2, 217-230, (2003).

G. P. Shpenkov, Shell-Nodal Atomic Model, HADRONIC JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT, Vol. 17, No. 4, 507-566, (2002).

On Electron Spin of h/2, HADRONIC JOURNAL, Vol. 25, No. 5, 573-586, (2002).

Conjugated Parameters of Physical Processes and Physical Time, PHYSICS ESSAYS, Vol. 15, No. 3, (2002).

The Wave Equation Reveals Atomic Structure, Periodicity and Symmetry, KEMIJA U INDUSTRIJI, Vol. 51, No. 9, 375-384, (2002).

Important Results of Analyzing Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS & QED-EAST, Vol. 13, SI No. 2, 23-30, (2002). pdf

Discrete Configuration of Probability of Occurrence of Events in Wave Spaces, APEIRON, Vol. 9, No. 4, 91-102, (2002). pdf

Microwave Background Radiation of Hydrogen Atoms, REVISTA CIENCIAS EXATAS E NATURAIS, Vol. 4, No. 1, 9-18, (2002). pdf

Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles and the Nature of Mass and "Electric" Charge, REVISTA CIENCIAS EXATAS E NATURAIS, Vol. 3, No 2, 157-170, (2001).pdf

Atomic Structure of Matter-Space, Geo. S., Bydgoszcz, 2001, 584 p.

On the Nucleus Space Structure in the Light of New Solutions, Book of Abstracts, "Nuclear Structure 2000" Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, August 15-19, 2000.

Roots of Bessel Functions Define Spectral Terms of Micro- and Megaobjects, Book of Abstracts, p. 118, XIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics, 17-22 July 2000, Imperial College, London, UK.

Atomic Shells and Chemical Bond, Vol. 2, p. 102; Atomic Orbitals and Geometry of Crystals, Vol. 2, p.103; Structure of Atomic Shells and The Theoretical Law of the Elements, Vol. 2, p. 104; Proceedings of International Conference "The 80th Anniversary of The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy", Minsk, 2000.

A Wave Field of Probability and the Form of Crystals, P13.02.003. Abstracts, p. 258, XVIII International Union of Crystallography, Congress and General Assembly, 4-13 August, 1999, Glasgow, Scotland.

Nucleon Shells of the Atom and the Structure of Molecules (Chemistry of Nucleon Bonds), Proceedings, 61-66 pp., The Fifth International Conference on "Intermolecular Interactions in Matter (IIM-5)", Plitechnika Lubelska, 2-4 September, Lublin, Poland, 1999.

The Shell Structure of Matter Spaces (Poster 28), The International Conference on "50 Years of the Nuclear Shell Model; Present State and Future Trends", Heidelberg, Germany, June 3-5, 1999. pdf

A Theoretical Prediction of Molecular and Crystal Structures, Vol. 5, Special Issue B, ECM-18 posters-abstracts, 390-391 pp., Eighteenth European Crystallographic Meeting, Praha, Czech Republic, August 15-20, 1998.

Foundation of Physics; 13.644...Collected Papers, Geo. S., Bydgoszcz, 1998, 272 p.

Philosophy and the Language of Dialectics and the Algebra of Dialectical Judgements, Proceedings of The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 10-16 August, 1998, pdf

Philosophy of Contents-Form and Coulomb's Law, Proceedings of The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 10-16 August, 1998, pdf

Philosophy of a Material-Ideal Numerical Field, The Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 10-16 August, 1998, (Abstracts, p. 182).

Basic Characteristics of the Atomic Wave Space, abstract D77 (2 pages); Nonconventional Solutions for Spectra of Atoms, abstract D78 (2 pages); Particles and Wave Scattering on the Nodal Neutrons of Atoms, abstract J42 (2 pages), Sixteenth International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August 3-7, 1998.

The Quantitative-Qualitative Numerical Field, Vol. 4, p. 210; On the Nature of Mass and Charge of Elementary Particles, Vol. 6, p. 145; The Mathematical Elements of Dialectics,Vol. 7, p. 137; Proceedings of The 52nd International Conference of The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, Minsk, 1997.

Crystal Structure "Genetic Code", Programme Book of Abstracts of the 17th European Crystallographic Meeting (Lisboa-Portugal, 1997), p. 131.

Alternative Picture of the World, Volumes 3 (Atomic Structure of Matter-Space-Time and Physical properties of Substance, Physics and Philosophy); Geo. S., Bydgoszcz, 1997, 186 p.

Alternative Picture of the World, Volumes 2 (Structure of Space of the Universe, Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Fields, Particles and Exchange in the Electromagnetic Field), Geo. S., Bydgoszcz, 1996. 164 p.

Alternative Picture of the World, Volumes 1 (Mathematical Expression of the Main Categories of Philosophy and Logic, Kinematics and Dynamics of Exchange), Geo. S., Bydgoszcz, 1996. 158 p. (The above enumerated contributions to 2002 have been carried out with L. Kreidik)

On the Periodic Behaviour of Some Physico-Chemical Parameters in Friction Systems with Particular Attention to a Tribopolymerisation Process (co-author A. Gadomski), Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol. 2, N 1, 7-19 (1996).

The Method of Production of The Antifriction Mean (in Polish: Sposob Wytwarzania Srodka Przeciwtarciowego), Patent Nr 170502, Warszawa, 31.12.1996, Poland.

Tribological Properties of Lubricants and Smearing Water Emulsions Containing Ultradispersed Copper Oxides Additives (in Polish: Wlasciwosci Tribologiczne Smarow i Wodnych Emulsji Smarowych z Dodatkami Zawierajacymi Ultradyspersyjne Czastki Tlenku Miedzi), Problemy Eksploatacji, 6 (1995), 207-213.

The Material-Ideal Numerical Field, Proceedings of the General Scientific-Technological Session "CONTACT'95", Vol. II, Bulgaria, Sofia, 1995, pp. 34-39. (with L. Kreidik)

Friction Surface Phenomena, ELSEVIER, Tribology Series 29, Amsterdam, 1995, 358 p.

The Method of Production of The Additive for Lubricants, Cutting Fluids, and Fuels (in Polish: Sposob wytwarzania dodatku, zwlaszcza do materialow smarnych, plynow obrobkowych i paliw), Patent Nr 167710, Warszawa, 16.11.1995, Poland.

The Ecological Antifriction Additive for Lubricants and Technological Fluids (in Polish: Ekologiczny Przeciwtarciowy Dodatek do Środków Smarnych i Płynów Technologicznych), Proceedings of The III Conference POLTRIB'95,Tribologia dla Eksploatacji, 24-26 May (1995), Jachranka, Poland, 1-43 - 1-48.

Selective Transfer in Practice (in Polish: Selektywne Przenoszenie w Praktyce), Paliwa, Oleje i Smary, Nr 13, 1994, 20-22.

On the Periodic Behaviour of Some Physico-Chemical Parameters in Friction Systems with Particular Attention to a Tribopolimerization Process, Proceedings of International Conference "Selective Transfer, Coatings and Self-Organization: Practice and Development", 7-11 October (1994), Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol. 2, 23-37 (co-author Gadomski A.).

Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field in Friction Process of Composite Material - Steel Pair, Zagadnienia Eksploatacji Maszyn, Warszawa, Z.3-4 (99-100), Vol. 29, 521-526 (1994) (co-authors: Sluzalek G., Chmiela J.).

Hydrogen Wear (in Polish: Zuzycie Wodorowe Metali), Informator WITPiS, Sulejowek, Nr 40, 57-74 (1994) (co-author Legierski Z.).

The Method of Surface Non Destructive Testing for Selection of Friction Materials and Lubricants, Proceedings of International Conference on Condition Monitoring, University of Wales, 21st-25th March (1994), Swansea, U.K., 705-715.

Energy and Resources Saving by New Multifunctional Addition Agent, Proceedings of 9th International Colloquium, "Ecological and Economical Aspects of Tribology", January 11-13 (1994), Ostfildern, FRG, 2, 11.4-1 - 11.4-3.

Hydrogen Function in the Process of Magnetic Treatment of Steel Pieces, Proceedings of 6th International Congress on Tribology EUROTRIB'93. August 30 - September 2 (1993), Budapest, 3, 100-105.

The Phenomenon of "Hydrogen Wear of Metals", Proceedings of Vth International Symposium INTERTRIBO'93, August 26-28 (1993), Bratislava, 3, 57-61.

Behaviour of Hydrogen During Magnetic Treatment of Steel Parts, Non-Wear Effect and Tribotechnologies, Nr 3-4, 56-67 (1992).

Ultradispersed Metals and their Oxides as Perspective Additives to the Metal-Plating Lubricants. Proceedings of the Conference "Tribotechnology to Industries", Taganrog (1991) (co-authors: Lesnikovich A.I., Vorobiova S.A., Shunkevich T.M.).

Physicochemistry of Friction, Universitetskoe, Minsk, 1991, 397 p. (in Russian).

The "Hydrogen Wear of Metals" Phenomenon, Scientific Discovery, Diploma Nr 378 (USSR), Bulletin of the Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR Nr 30, 1990, p. 3 (co-authors: Polyakov A.A., Garkunov D.N., Matyushenko V.Ya.).

The Use of Metal-Plating Lubricants During Grinding of Metals, In the book: "Non-Wearness", Rostov-na-Donu, 69-76 (1990) (co-authors Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A., Misevich O.V.).

Hydrogen Wear of Braking Devices, In the book: "Durability of Friction Parts of Machines", Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 5, 319-328 (1990).

Structural Changes in Steel Surfaces After Magnetic-Abrasive Treatment, In the book: "Durability of Friction Parts of Machines". Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 5, 194-202 (1990) (co-authors Kholmetski A.L., Misevich O.V., Rybakov V.A.).

The Efficiency of Studying Wear Resistance by Nuclear Gamma-Resonance Method, In the book: "Durability of Friction Parts of Machines". Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 4, 80-96 (1990) (co-authors Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A., Misevich O.V.).

Selective Transfer Phenomenon, In the book "Durability of Friction Parts of Machines", Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 4, 3-11 (1990).

Thermostimulated Transformations in TiO2-Pd Film Structures in Hydrogen, News of High Educational Institutions: Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 32, 7, 67-70 (1989) (co-authors: Malchenko S.N., Mychko D.I., Sviridov V.V.).

Anisotropy of The Stainless Steel Surface Layer Caused by Grinding Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Deponented in the VINITI 31.01.89, Nr 693-VB9, 7 p. Moscow (1989) (co-authors: Misevich O.V., Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A.).

The Structure of Surfaces Subjected to Finish Antifriction Non-Abrasive Treatment (FANT), Proceedings of the Conference on "Modern Problems of Tribotechnology", Nikolaev, NKI, 267-288 (1988).

The Study of Friction Surface Modification by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the "Applied Mössbauer Spectroscopy" Conference, Chapter 1, Moscow, MIFI-MGU, p. 70 (1988) (co-authors: Misevich O.V., Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A.).

Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Steel Surface Layers Subjected to Polishing, Reports of the Belarus Academy of Sciences,32, 6, 518-521 (1988) (co-authors: Misevich O.V., Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A.).

Selected publications 1968 - 1987

The Study of Austenite in a Cast Iron Surface Layer by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, News of Belarus State University, Series I: Phys. Math. Mech., 2, 17-19 (1987) (co-authors: Gurachevski V.L., Mashlan M., Pivi Pepe, Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A.).

Anisotropy of Mössbauer's Phenomenon in a Steel Surface Layer after Grinding, Reports of Belarus Academy of Sciences, 29, 10, 917-919 (1985) (co- authors: Gurachevski V.L., Mashlan M., Kholmetski A.L., Chudakov V.A.).

Generation of Electromagnetic Oscillations During Photochemical Reactions, The Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 36, 5, 800-803 (1982) (co-authors: Glazkov Yu.V., Khilmanovich L.A.).

An Influence of Electrolytic Hydrogenation on Electron Work Function of Metals and Alloys, Physics and Chemistry of Metal Treatment, 5, 130-133 (1981) (co-author: Kuznetsov V.G.).

An Influence of Quality of Mechanical Treatment on Electron Work Function of Metals and Alloys, Physics and Chemistry of Metal Treatment, 3, 125-127 (1980) (co-author: Kuznetsov V.G.).

Macroscopic Effects of Delamination Wear, Wear, 56, 309-313 (1979) (co-author: Zharin A.L.).

Mechanical Model for a Double Electric Layer, Proceedings of the 5-th Symposium "A Double Layer and Adsorption on Solid Electrodes", Tartu, Estoniya, 294-297 (1978) (co-authors: Urbanovich V.S., Galetski S.P.).

The Measurer of Contact Potential Difference, Apparatuses and Technique of Experiment, 2, 267 (1978) (co-author: Zharin A.L.).

The Portable Picoampermeterterraohmmeter, Apparatuses and Technique of Experiment, 1, 129 (1978) (co-author: Kozus V.I.).

An Equipment for the Study of Oscillations on the Boundary of Metal-Electrolyte, The Factory Laboratory, 42, 4, 452-453(1976) (co-author: Galetskij S.P.).

The Study of Correlation of Metals Wear Resistance with Galvano-Electromotive Force During Selective Transfer Friction, News of Belarus Academy of Sciences, Phys.-Tech. Series, 3, 59-62 (1973) (co-authors: Podalov A.N., Chelyshev A.P).

Rectifier Properties of Boundary Lubricated Layers During Selective Transfer Friction, News of Belarus Academy of Sciences, Phys.-Tech. Series, 2, 125-128 (1973) (co-author: Chelyshev A.P.).

The Properties of Boundary Layers at Selective Transfer Friction, News of High Educational Institutions: Physics, 5, 41-45 (1973) (co-authors: Garkunov D.N., Matyushenko V.Ya., Kharkhasov B.D.).

Evolution of Hydrogen from Steel Surfaces during Friction with Plastic, Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials, 8, 3, 104-105 (1972) (co-authors: Garkunov D.N., Polyakov A.A., Matyushenko V.Ya.).

Generation of The Second Harmonic in Triple Semiconductor Compounds A2B4C25, Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 2, 10, 1525-1529 (1968) (co-authors: Goryunova N.A., Ryvkin S.M., Fishman I.M., Yaroshetskij I.D.).

An Optical Quantum Generator on The Base of CdSnP2 with The Electron Beam Excitation, Physics and Technology of Semiconductors, 2, 8, 1218-1220 (1968) (co-authors: Berkovskij F.M., Goryunova N.A., Orlov V.M., Ryvkin S.M., Sokolova V.I., Tsvetkova E.V.).

Recombination Radiation Spectra in ZnSiP2 Crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol.,32, 49-54 (1969) (co-authors: Alekperova E.E., Valov Yu.A., Goryunova N.A., Rivkin S.M.).

Investigation of Some Properties of Vitreous and Crystalline CdGeP2, Phys. Stat. Sol., 28, 489- 494 (1969) (co-authors:Goryunova N.A.,Rivkin S.M., Tichina I.I., Phedotov V.G.).

Preparation and Some Properties of CuP2 Single Crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol., 28, 513-519 (1968) (co-authors: Goryunova N.A., Orlov V.M., Sokolova V.I., Tsvetkova E.V.).